Friday, May 18, 2007


Reunion highlights thus far: conversation with the bus driver on the way home. And then realizing that I left without paying for my beer. (I also forgot my favourite umbrella. . . grrr). Hopefully the karma gods will forgive me the $6, which I am sure I have more than paid out to cover for others who have done the same thing in the past.

Having a good memory (well, aside from tonight's bill) can be a bit of a double-edged sword. There are only so many enthusiastic hellos you can muster up for people who don't seem to have significantly changed in your eyes, but to whom you may as well have gained 65 pounds, gotten several facelifts and lost half your hair for the time it takes for them to perhaps vaguely recall something remotely resembling your name.

I wish I had mi querido Mexicano to bring with me.

Reunions are overrated.


At 4:59 PM, Blogger artsmonkey said...

reunion? what reunion?


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